At the time of this post in August 2022, it's been over a couple years since I've taken on dozens of boxes of items from our family home; part of my process has been to organize the mountain of media: photos, documents, movies, etc. It's been an interesting and enlightening journey - in some cases, reminding me and giving more information on some details I already knew about, and in many cases, discovering completely new knowledge of relatives, ancestors, my parents, and even myself!
This post offers a video of vacation footage taken by my parents, Maurice & Louise Indig, on a trip to Yellowstone National Park, and other locations nearby in Wyoming, in September 2005. I edited it down to shorter clips, and including my mom's narration. My parents enjoyed learning about places they visited, wanting to get the correct names of places, wildlife, plants, buildings, etc. They were a little nerdy that way, and it's kind of charming to hear my mom read out every identifying sign - watch the video and you'll see! They were certainly experienced travelers, as noted in the earlier blog you can link to: Maurice & Louise Indig travel adventures, listing more than 30 countries they visited.
This video is the result of some detective and technical work. After sorting through media and finding all the videotapes, I also found the original Sony Handicam movie camera that they used for many years. I got the camera operating, bought an adapter, and digitized the footage into my computer. Click below for the finished video - enjoy!
YouTube link: